Singapore Day 2009, in London!
Too...tired... to.. run...any..more.
Sumi: "Let's just cut our losses now and head back before we're late for the musical!!
Shanta and Devi: " NO!!!! We've come so far!!! I want to eat char kway teow!! Come on we can do this!!!"
QUICK!! Photo moment! WE DON'T HAVE TIME!! *smiles*
Oh crap. Time is ticking.
Welcome to Singapore Day! You have 10 minutes before the train leaves!
"Okay, let's split up, grab as much food as we can and get out of here. Objective: FOOD. and then RUN"
The girls get out first, while I'm still in the Satay Queue, determined to get my ten sticks of Chicken and Mutton Satay.
I get to the front of the queue, and they're serving out free portions(!!) but only one portion per person!!!
With doe eyes, I ask the Satay Man, "Please sir, can I have more than one portion?"
"Sure, you can get two!" YES!
I grab the food and run out in disbelief to catch up with the rest.
HAHAHHAHAA. It's one stick a person! I'm sorry I ate the other stick while I was run-laughing out of the garden!
In the end we missed the train anyway, and were late by fifteen minutes for the musical(Hair Spray) but got let in anyway. I then proceeded to leave my Singapore Day goodies, and all my written and stamped postcards in the theatre, only to realise this at the postbox outside the Natural History Museum we proceded to after, only to find that it was already closed. -_-
If we got one thing right that day, it was getting to our Singaporean restaurand.
"Kiasu" and Bayswaters.
I got to eat my Char Kway Teow. The food was AMAZING. teh peng. *salivates*
My lovely Ang Mohs getting a taste of awesomeness. The loved it!
And it was a great dinner meeting up with some KL relatives!
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